I thought I'd throw up a quick post and put our wedding ceremony that I compiled last summer. I wanted them to be reflective of first and foremost God, who is a part of everything I do, but not to the point it would make others uncomfortable. Secondly, I wanted vows that showed mutual respect between husband and wife (NO obeying nonsense). What I compiled are ceremony choices that are offered at my church and that my pastor gave to me (a wonderful friend of mine was actually the one to preform the ceremony - she got ordained online for us). The second reading and the salt covenant were things I found online. I also wanted to include our two kids in the ceremony. I wanted the ceremony to include the smallish group of people invited that we felt had helped us become the family we are. And it needed to be short enough so people didn't pass out in the sun or get tired from standing!
I was almost going to forgo the whole Unity candle/sand thing because well, I'm never one to do things JUST for traditions sake, and though I completely respect other people's choices to use either/other options, candles don't work outside. There is wind, nough said. And the sand thing just wasn't my style. I didn't want another
thing sitting around my house to not dust. Then I stumbled upon the salt covenant (it's explained in the ceremony below) was
perfect for what I was looking for. It's very personal and practical.
(After reading the covenant below, I'll also add each guest added to our salt bowl as they went thru the receiving line after the ceremony and that the container of salt is sitting on my stove. I cook with it, and I'll never let it run completely out, always adding to it, so the original salt is always a part of my cooking and our lives - yes you can gag now).
So here it is. I figured some of my hard work from last summer could be put to use again. Maybe - to all the 10's of people that read this blog ;).
Wedding Ceremony (7/10/12)
Isle defined by
*Guests take their places – Cristi(pastor) directs
and Dan escort Grandparents/ parents to chairs (GG, Swede, Sue, Dennie, and Barb
- 6 chairs - one extra for Jackie, 3 on each side of isle. Parents on west side, GP and extra chair on east)
*Cristi takes place
*Bridal Party Enters
Andy takes his place
at the front (takes Addie with him if she agrees)
Dan - BM
Katie - MOH
*Bride enters
(and Addie) walks Jessie to front
*Opening Commentary
Cristi to guests– “Family and friends, we have been invited here
today to share with Andy and Jessie a very important moment in their lives. In
the years they have been together, their love and understanding of each other
has grown and matured, and now they have decided to live their lives together
as husband and wife. The uniting of man
and woman in heart, body and mind is intended by God for their mutual joy, for
the help and comfort they give one another in prosperity and adversity, and
that their love may be a blessing to all whom they encounter
Let us now witness their promises to each other and surround them with
our love and prayers, giving thanks to God for the gift of marriage and asking
God’s blessing upon them, that they may be strengthened for their life together
and nurtured in the love of God”
*Declaration of Intent (Cristi addresses Andy and Jessie, asking them
to turn towards each other)
Cristi to Jessie – “Jessie, will you have Andy to be your husband,
to live together in a holy marriage?
Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him in sickness and
health, and, forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall
Jessie – “I will”
Cristi to Andy– “Andy, will you have Jessie to be your wife, to
live together in a holy marriage? Will
you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her in sickness and health, and,
forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?”
Andy – “I will”
Cristi to families –
“Will you, the families of Andy and Jessie, continue to give your love and
blessing to this family?
Family – “We will”
Cristi to guests –
Will you, friends and family, by God’s grace, continue to help uphold and care
for this family in their life together?
Guests – “We will”
Cristi to all – “Let us pray.
Dear God, look in
favor upon Andy and Jessie and bring Your joy to this wedding by Your presence
now. Grant them Your love, grace and
steadfastness. In Your sons amazing
name, Amen
Cristi to All – “We
will now hear our first reading”
*First Reading
Philippians 4:4-9 NLT
4 Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice! 5 Let
everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is
coming soon.
6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God
what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will
experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace
will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts
on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.
Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. 9 Keep
putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard
from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.
*Wedding Vows
Cristi to Jessie and Andy – “Jessie
and Andy, I invite you to join your hands and declare your vows.”
Cristi to Jessie– (repeat back) “Andy, I take you to be my husband from
this time forward, to join with you and to share with you all that is to come,
to give and to receive, to speak and to listen, to inspire and to respond, and
in all circumstances of our life together, to be loyal to you with my whole
life and with all my being”
Cristi to Andy – (repeat back)
“Jessie, I take you to be my wife from this time forward, to join with you and
to share with you all that is to come, to give and to receive, to speak and to
listen, to inspire and to respond, and in all circumstances of our life
together, to be loyal to you with my whole life and with all my being”
Cristi to all – “We
will now hear the second reading.”
*Second reading
Carol D. Bos ~
I hope it is decades before death parts us
But I don’t know what God has in mind
I pray that he’ll let us be happy always
But I can’t comprehend plans divine.
It may be that turmoil will dot our landscape
With it’s gray skies and swirling intrusion
It may be that joy will fill both our hearts
And we’ll think pain is just an illusion.
But I
think it’s likely we’ll see some of each
As we walk on this pathway together
I promise you now: I will give all I have
From my mouth you’ll not hear the word “Never.”
With so much uncertainty, crime, and abuse
That exists, everywhere, all around us
More than ever we need to hold fast to the truth
Of our marriage…Life will not confound us.
Time together is fleeting; it is too scarce to waste
My goal is to make my life-mission
A beautiful tapestry highlighting “us”
Sewn with threads from our human condition.
I want to explore the full spectrum of life
Before we’re too close to its leaving
I want to embrace vast explosions of joy
That make both our hearts strong and heaving.
I know I will love you for all of my life
No matter the time we are given.
I’m yours till death parts us-left all alone-
Until God reunites us in heaven.
*Exchange of Rings
Cristi to Jessie – (having Jessie repeat back) “I give you this
ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness”
Cristi to Andy – (having Andy
repeat back) “I give you this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness”
Cristi to Jessie and Andy – “Jessie
and Andy, you have promised before God and in the presence of your family and
friends to be joined together as husband and wife. Those, whom God has joined together, let no
one separate.”
*Salt Covenant
Cristi to all – “During Old Testament Times, agreements and
promises were sealed with a Salt Covenant.
Salt was the only means of preserving food and for this reason everyone
carried a small pouch of salt with them.
When they made an agreement with another, they would each take a small
pinch of salt from their bag and place it in the pouch of the other. This was to symbolize and unbreakable agreement. The only way out of an agreement was if each
person would go to the other’s pouch and pick out their own salt originally
placed in the pouch. As picking out the
exact grains of salt originally placed would be virtually impossible, the
agreement could not be broken.
As during Old Testament times,
Jessie, and Andy, and John and Addie each bring their own salt to this
covenant. Together, they will pour their
individual salt into one, symbolizing their commitment to one another and to
God. Their commitment to love, support and honor one another through all that
God may bring before them, cannot be broken unless each one can retrieve his or
her individual grains of salt. ”
Salt exchange – first Andy and
Jessie add salt to the bowl, then John and Addie
Cristi to guests – “As Paul said to the Colossians, ‘“Let your
conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know
how to answer everyone.’”
Jessie and Andy invite you all
to support and contribute in this salt covenant immediately after the ceremony.”
*Closing Prayer.
Cristi to all – “On this day of
rejoicing, let us bless and praise God for the joy that Jessie and Andy have
found in each other. You have given
Jessie and Andy the gift and heritage of children; make their home a haven of
love and peace. Use us to support them
in their lives together. Strengthen and
bless friends and family gathered here, even as we call to mind those who are
absent from us.
Most gracious God,
you have made us in your image and given us over to one another’s care. Hear your people, that unity may overcome
division, hope vanquish despair, and joy conquer sorrow; through your son’s awesome
name. Amen
“I now pronounce you husband and wife. I present to you Jessie and Andy Crooks.”
First Kiss
Recessional to “I’m a believer” by Smashmouth
with kids
Andy and I greet each
guest in a receiving line between where ceremony was and the tent (in shade if
possible) and have each guest add salt to our salt container.
Our (near) perfect day :) |
Proof that all the planning in the world can't
save the planner from goofing. Look what hand
I'm putting his ring on! 8-P
So brides, don't stress out about perfection.
I look at this and still smile about it :) |